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尹海清 教授
??金属与陶瓷粉末的微注射成形技术研究(Micro Powder Injection Molding); ??无钨硬质合金的开发与应用研究(Substitutes of W in WC-Co Cemented Carbides); ??彩色陶瓷制备的机理与应用研究(Mechanism & application of color ceramics) ; ??粉末冶金全过程的模拟与应用开发; ??材料科学数据、数据库及平台的建设与深度应用开发(Materials Data & Database); 粉末高速压制成形技术(High velocity Compaction)

工学博士、教授、博士生导师。2006 年入选“北京市科技新星计划”。长期从事基于计算、实验与数据挖掘的材料设计优化及材料制备研究,包括材料的跨尺度计算、材料数据库建设、数据挖掘与机器学习技术,以及粉末冶金先进制备技术、钢铁智能制造的材料设计等方面的研究。





1. 增材制造(3D打印)高性能不锈钢

2. 增材制造(3D打印)高熵合金

3. 基于材料基因工程(MGE)的先进材料设计与工艺优化

4. 无钨硬质合金、高温合金、牙科生物陶瓷材料设计及制备
5. 材料大数据的分析与挖掘及应用


a) 在国内外期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,申请发明专利10余项,授权9项。

1. Guoqiang Yang, Haiqing Yin, Zhenghua Deng, Cong Zhang, Ruijie Zhang, Xuanhui Qu. Synthesis, microstructure evolution, and phase transformation of novel MoCoB–Co cermets[J]. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(6): 7541-7549.

2. Guoqiang Yang, Haiqing Yin, Zhenghua Deng, Cong Zhang, Ruijie Zhang, Xuanhui Qu. Effect of chemical composition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of MoCoB based cermets[J]. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(11): 18046-18055.

3. Zhang, T (Zhang, Tong); Yin, HQ (Yin, Haiqing); Zhang, C (Zhang, Cong); Qu, XH (Qu, Xuanhui). Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr doped WCoB based cermets by spark plasma sintering and first principle calculation. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, 2020,30: 417-423.

4. Zhang, GF (Zhang, Guofei); Yin, HQ (Yin, Haiqing); Zhang, C (Zhang, Cong); Deng, ZH (Deng, Zhenghua); Zhang, RJ (Zhang, Ruijie); Jiang, X (Jiang, Xue); Qu, XH (Qu, Xuanhui). Effect of Mn on microstructure and properties of Cu-12Al powder metallurgy alloy. Materials Research Express, 2020,7

5. Xue Jiang, Baorui Jia, Guofei Zhang, Cong Zhang, Xin Wang, Ruijie Zhang*, Haiqing Yin*, Xuanhui Qu, Yong Song, Lan Su, Zhenli Mi, Lei Hu, Han Ma. A strategy combining machine learning and multiscale calculation to predict tensile strength for pearlitic steel wires with industrial data[J]. Scripta Materialia, 2020 (186): 272-277

6. Deng Z H, Yin H Q, Jiang X, Zhang C, Zhang G F, Xu B, Yang G Q, Zhang T, Wu M, Qu X H. Machine-learning-assisted prediction of the mechanical properties of Cu–Al alloy[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(3): 362-373.

7. Dan Zhang, Shijie Hu, Ruijie Zhang, Xue Jiang, Cong Zhang, Haiqing Yin, Changsheng Wang, Xuanhui Qu. Development of an explicit formula for predicting the drag coefficients of equiaxed dendrites [J]. Computational Materials Science, 2020, 172(109319.

8. Cong Zhang, Lan Su, Xin Wang, Xue Jiang, Ruijie Zhang, Haiqing Yin, Yong Song, Zhenli Mi, Lei Hu, Han Ma, Computational thermodynamics/kinetics aided design for the microstructure of pearlitic steels during cooling process, International Journal of Materials Research, 2020, DOI:10.3139/146.111959. 111 (2020) 11.

9. Zhengtao Shi, Haiqing Yin, Zhifeng Xu, Tong Zhang, Guoqiang Yang, Qingjun Zheng, Ramesh S. Rao, Jun Yang, Faming Gao, Mao Wu, Xuanhui Qu. Microscopic theory of hardness and optimized hardness model of MX1B and M2X2B2 (M= W, Mo; X1= Fe, Co, X2= Fe, Co, Ni) transition-metal ternary borides by the first-principles calculations and experimental verification[J]. Intermetallics, 2019, 114: 106573.

10. Guoqiang Yang, Haiqing Yin, Zhifeng Xu, Tong Zhang, Jun Yang, Faming Gao, Qingjun Zheng, Xuanhui Qu. A first-principles-calculation exploration of ternary borides as potential alternatives to WC-Co[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 791: 761-772.

11. Deng Z H, Yin H Q, Zhang C, Zhang G F, Zhang T, Liu Z K, Wang H B, Qu X H. Sintering mechanism of Cu-9Al alloy prepared from elemental powders. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, 29(4):425-431.

12. Tong Zhang, Haiqing Yin, Cong Zhang, Ruijie Zhang, Zi Yang, Sharon Elder, Xue Jiang, Zhenghua Deng, Guoqiang Yang, Qingjun Zheng, Xuanhui Qu. Synthesis and microstructure evolution of WCoB based cermets during spark plasma sintering[J]. Ceramics International,2019,45(14):17536-17544.

13. Zhang T, Yin H, Zhang C, Yang Z, Deng Z, Yang G, Zheng Q, Qu X. First-principle calculations of mechanical properties and electronic structure of WCoB and Cr doped WCoB under high pressure[J]. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(11): 116320

14. Zhang T, Yin H, Zhang C, Zhang R Jiang X, Zheng Q, Qu X. First-Principles Study on the Mechanical Properties and Electronic Structure of V Doped WCoB and W2CoB2 Ternary Borides[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(6): 967. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/12/6/967.

15. Zhenghua Deng, HaiqingYin, Cong Zhang, Guofei Zhang, Wanquan Li, Tong Zhang, Ruijie Zhang, Xue Jiang, Xuanhui Qu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu–12Al–xNi alloy prepared using powder metallurgy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A: 2019, 759(24): 241-251.

16. Kai-qi Zhang, Hai-qing Yin, Xue Jiang, Xiu-qin Liu, Fei He, Zheng-hua Deng, Dil Faraz Khan, Qing-jun Zheng, Xuan-hui Qu. A novel approach to predict green density by high-velocity compaction based on the materials informatics method[J]. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2019,26(2):194-201.

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